Cyber Security passionate
That’s life, you know. We never end up where you thought you wanted to be.[M.E.]
Summary of HTTP headers useful and fundamental for securing web pages, clients, and communication from malicious activities. HSTS, CORS, CSP, HPKP and many many others.
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Malicious scripts are executed by the victim's browser because the browser trusts the source of the content, even when it's not coming from where it seems to be coming from.
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During an XSS malicious code is placed into a victim’s page, during an XSSI victim’s code is included in a malicious page. In an XSSI the attacker wants to leak data cross-origin.
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How to set up a persistent, always available, SSH remote tunnel (reverse SSH tunnel).
How to set up a netdata cluster monitoring multiple servers. One dashboard, multiple server monitoring instances.
Configuring netdata on ubuntu with SSL/TLS and Apache web server.
How to set up SSL/TLS on Apache for securing web communication. Let's Encrypt certificate generation.